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National Certification 

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board

For complete details go to AANPCB website


AANPCB national certification examinations are competency-based examinations for nurse practitioners to reflect their knowledge and expertise in the role and population area of education.


AANPCB offers two entry-level APRN examinations:
1. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
2. Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGNP)

The Adult NP and Gerontologic NP examinations were retired to comply with the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education (2008).

AANPCB offers one specialty examination: Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP)

The Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) certification is a specialty certification by examination developed to recognize eligible certified FNPs with expertise in emergency care.

The nurse practitioner competency-based national certification examinations are developed in conjunction with independent organizations that specialize in examination development and psychometric services. Adult, Family, Gerontology, Adult-Gerontology, and Emergency nurse practitioner subject matter experts (SMEs) from representative work and academic environments, as well as geographical areas, assist in all phases of the development of the examinations.

Major components of the examination development process are:

1. Role delineation study, also known as a practice analysis.
2. Test specifications development.
3. Test construction.
4. Passing point determination.

The examinations are based on a current practice analysis which serves as an objective measure of the knowledge and skills required of competent nurse practitioners. The practice analysis provides the foundation for defining the content domains (areas) of the competency-based examinations. Documents created by these expert panels are validated by representative samples of professionals selected from the adult, gerontology, emergency, and family nurse practitioner community. Test specifications derived from the respective practice analysis for adult-gerontology primary care, family nurse practitioner, emergency nurse practitioners serve as the blueprint for the certification examinations.

Each examination consists of 150 multiple-choice items. Items are written and developed by practicing nurse practitioners with extensive knowledge and expertise, and placed in an item bank. All items which appear on the examinations have been reviewed at least four times:

1. Nurse practitioner item writers develop and review all items for content relevance, competency level, accuracy of scoring,and bias and sensitivity (e.g., cultural, age, gender, and other stereotyping).
2. Contracted test development organization staff and psychometrician review each item for psychometric quality, adherence to test specifications, style guidelines, and absence of bias and sensitivity.
3. Additional panels of nurse practitioner content experts review and validate all items prior to approving them for inclusion on an examination. Items are reviewed for relevancy to current/best practice, importance and harm level, adequacy of content coverage, elimination of stereotyping and bias, item redundancy, accuracy of answer keys, and current reference citations.

After each practice analysis and test specification update, passing point determination occurs following test construction. Determining the passing point establishes the minimum passing score, which is accomplished using certification standard methods, such as Item Response Theory. The rigor of this examination development process promotes quality, competency-based certification examinations.

American Nurses Credentialing Center

For complete details go to ANCC website

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Certification Program will give you the opportunity to advance your nursing career and prove your ability to provide the best patient care. Demonstrate your commitment to nursing with the most respected certification in the profession. Whether you are looking to achieve your first certification, ready to renew, or exploring new certifications, go to ANCC website to find the certification you need.

Pediatric Nursing Certification Board

For complete details go to PNCB website

PNCB certification validates your specialized skills, knowledge, and abilities. Our exams are recognized and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN), the Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs (AFPNP), and the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP). 

The PNCB has developed and administered national qualifying exams for graduates from primary care and acute care PNP educational programs as well as the Certified Pediatric Nurse exam. We developed the Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse exam with the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN®), and we launched the Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Specialist Certification Exam in 2011.

National Recertification

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board

For complete details go to AANPCB website


The purpose of certification renewal is to provide a mechanism to assure the public that AANPCB certified nurse practitioners have met current professional standards of knowledge and skills required to maintain their NP certification.

- Certification is time-limited, granted for 5-year periods only, and must be renewed.
- Nurse Practitioners must maintain professional competency based on current information and knowledge affecting their practice.
- Knowledge and skills required for professional and competent NP practice evolve over time.
- Without a process for renewal of certification, a credential’s value may diminish over time.
- Recertification requirements serve to measure and reassure the public of NP continued professional competence.

Renewal of certification is accomplished by either:

- Meeting minimum clinical practice and continuing education requirements established by AANPCB for renewal and maintenance of certification, or
- Sitting for the appropriate AGNP, ENP, or FNP certification examination. Recertification by examination is not an option for ANPs or GNPs.


Certificants who are certified as both an Adult Nurse Practitioner and a Gerontologic Nurse Practitioner may complete the application process for conversion of the individual credentials to the A-GNP credential.


The online recertification application process and renewal documents for Emergency Nurse Practitioners will become available in 2020. Please refer to the ENP Specialty Certification Handbook for available information on renewal of certification. ENP certification cannot be renewed without current FNP certification.

American Nurses Credential Center

ANCC certification is renewed every 5 years to providence evidence of the expansion of professional knowledge and evidence of continued competence in your certification specialty.

Evidence of continual learning and competence can be demonstrated by completing activities in the following professional development categories:
  • Continuing Education
  • Academic Courses
  • Presentations and Lectures
  • Publication or Research
  • Preceptorship
  • Professional service
  • Practice hours
  • Assessment

Pediatric Nursing Certification Board

For complete details go to PNCB website

Recertification, or Recert, is the process that allows you to maintain your PNCB certified status. All certification boards require a renewal process. 

NPA Recertification Courses

Fitzgerald Health Education Associates offers NP Certification Examination courses.

As a member of The NPA you receive a discount on certification courses.  

The NPA| The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State

The mission of The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State is to promote and support the highest standards of healthcare throughout New York State; through education, advocacy, leadership and fostering the empowerment of nurse practitioner professional practice. 

Office Hours: M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm | Tel: 518-348-0719 | Fax: 518-348-0720 | Email: info@TheNPA.org