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Membership Referral Program


Do you know a colleague who isn't a member of The Nurse Practitioner Association? Refer them! The NPA is now offering a $25 member referral incentive to any current member who refers a colleague to join The NPA.  Limit of 2 referral incentives per calendar year. You can use your referral incentive towards your next membership renewal or NPA Conference registration fee. Cannot be combined with any other membership/conference registration discounts.

Help us grow our association so we can continue to strengthen our voice in the State Capitol.


  • You must be a current NPA member at the time of the referral.
  • Your name must be listed in the new member record as the referring member.
  • To qualify for the incentive the new member must not have been a member of The NPA within the last 12 months.
  • You can earn 2-$25 incentives during the calendar year.
  • You can use the incentive towards your next NPA membership renewal or NPA Annual or One Day Conference. The incentive cannot be used towards regional/group meetings/teaching days. Cannot be combined with any other membership/registration discount.

Don't stop at the incentive limit of 2! Keep on referring new members throughout the year and the top 2 referring members (1 member and 1 faculty member) will be recognized for their efforts at the Annual Conference!  

Terms of Use:

  • Incentive voucher can only be applied to your next membership renewal or NPA Annual or One Day Conference. The incentive voucher cannot be used for Capital Day and regional/group meetings or teaching days.
  • A maximum of 2 incentive vouchers can be used towards your membership renewal or conference registration.

Here are some resources to help you with your efforts:

Member Benefits

NPA History and Accomplishments

Membership Application

As always, please feel free to contact the office with any questions. Phone: 518-348-0719 Email: Info@TheNPA.org

The NPA| The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State

The mission of The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State is to promote and support the highest standards of healthcare throughout New York State; through education, advocacy, leadership and fostering the empowerment of nurse practitioner professional practice. 

Office Hours: M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm | Tel: 518-348-0719 | Fax: 518-348-0720 | Email: info@TheNPA.org